
The latest technological developments have greatly transformed interactions between buyers and sellers. With the advent of smartphones, instant gratification has become the new norm and customers have grown accustomed to being “one click away” from gaining access to information or performing an online transaction. E-commerce platforms bring the brick and mortar experience at the tip of your fingertips for people to find, compare, and ultimately purchase products.


To identify market trends, understand customer expectations, enhance their experience, provide targeted recommendations, and deliver products and services that match their expectations, businesses need to know their customer by collecting user and sales-related metadata, such as web traffic sources, visitor country, average time spent on shopping websites, etc.


Web content and user behavioral, feeling, cognition and reaction data, are used to understand the audience and model visitor’s behavior and buying patterns. Machine Learning (ML), Business Intelligence (BI), and artificial intelligence (AI) allow businesses to gain valuable customer behavior knowledge. Whether the collected data is real-time or not, it is analyzed to profile, segment customers and help render customer journeys more seamless and personalized, thus bringing benefits for both customers themselves and sellers.

While relational databases (RDB) and compatible database management systems (DBMS) are the de facto choice of developers and data scientists, other alternatives such as NoSQL have become the preferred choice to handle use-cases with object-oriented databases (OODBs) to handle data generated through social-web, mobile computing, and IoT.

In addition, the IT infrastructure needed to manage billions of events, blogs, websites, etc. on-demand needs to be secure, robust, flexible and scalable to manage demand peaks and multiple data formats efficiently. Data storage and access mechanism pose great challenges that need to be addressed with the right set of technology solutions related to your business needs.

Oredata brings under one roof infrastructure modernisation, data-based project applications, as well as managed services . Our unique value proposition enables us to provide end-to-end IT consultancy and implementation projects to render workloads more agile, provide insightful information from customer’s data, behavior and activity and assist and empower your in-house teams to streamline their operations.

Increase Conversions by enabling
•Personalized product recommendations, special discounts & product catalogs using previous shopping patterns & search history and segmenting customers
•Natural Language Processing on-site search engine & shopping assistant to showcase relevant results and enhance customer shopping experience
•Dynamic pricing to maintain customer engagement while maximizing revenue

Improve In-House Operations by
•Automating customer service using canned responses, bot-based support and self-service support using relayed contextual and historical data to fasten query resolution
•Analyzing website heatmaps & record browsing user sessions to optimize

Product viability
•Audience availability for new products/promotions
•Warehouse costs
•Conducting sentiment analysis to identify how your customers perceive your brand and its offerings

How can we help you?

Please contact us if you have any question about our services.